Costco Wholesale Australia
ESS Australia has been working with Costco Wholesale Australia on sites in New South Wales, Queensland, Victoria, Western Australia, Tasmania and New Zealand. ESS

Vibrant Honeysuckle West Redevelopment – Realignment Honeysuckle Drive
ESS was engaged to project manage the deliver the Honeysuckle West redevelopment, inclusive of the realignment of the western end of Honeysuckle Drive, a

Honeysuckle Public Domain
ESS has been engaged to project manage the delivery of the Honeysuckle West redevelopment, inclusive of the remaining public domain along the Newcastle Harbour, approximately

Bus Interchange / The Store Redevelopment – Newcastle
ESS was engaged to manage the NSW Government’s interests for the delivery of the Newcastle Bus Interchange and The Store Redevelopment, a $200 million redevelopment

Light Rail – Newcastle
ESS was engaged to manage the compulsory acquisition of the heavy rail corridor from Railcorp to Hunter & Central Coast Development Corporation. This also included

Cockle Creek / Pasminco – Lake Macquarie
ESS is engaged to manage the NSW Government’s interests in the former Pasminco land at Cockle Creek, Boolaroo. ESS has managed the land coming